November 26, 2024
Dear Board Members,
Greeting from KMBA!
We would like to inform you that our 7th Regular Board Meeting will be held on October 11 at KMBA Members' Center Building, 9:00 in the morning to discuss the following matters.
KASAGANA-KA Mutual Benefit Association, Inc.
8th Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Kasagana-ka Members’ Center Building
5 Matimpiin St., Brgy. Pinyahan Quezon City 1100
December 10, 2024 8:30 am
I. Call to Order
II. Prayer
III. Determination of Quorum
IV. Approval of the Proposed Agenda
V. Reading and approval of the minutes of the last board meeting on October 11, 2024
VI. Business arising and actions taken from the previous meeting
VII. Financial Report
a. Financial Statement (October)
b. Investments (October)
VIII. Matters for discussion/approval/Confirmation
a. Verified 2023 Annual Statement
b. Letter from K-Coop re-commission fee
c. Renewal of group policy: K-Bente (First Life)
d. Renewal of group policy: K-Kalinga (Malayan Insurance)
e. Transfer of Safe Deposit Box (Metro Bank – UnionBank)
f. Interim Plan + Budget
g. Additional Guaranty Fund
IX. For confiirmation
a. 50,000 Calamity Donation to CARD MRI for Typhoon Christine
b. KMBA Building Insurance
X. Adjournment
XI. Closing Prayer