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Other Services

KMBA provides additional services to primary and associate members: K-Bente, through a partnership with First Life Financial Company, Inc., and K-Dakila, under Rimansi Mutual Solutions Insurance Agency, Inc.; and residential housing assistance in times of flooding. Moreover, the Kuya Jun Scholarship Program offers high school and college scholarship to children of KMBA members. 

Started in 2007 for students who were in high school, the KMBA scholarship program was subsequently named Kuya Jun Scholarship Program, after KDCI’s first executive director, Severiano C. Marcelo, Jr., who passed away in 2008. The program has since included college students, and is available to children of KMBA primary and associate members. Applicants to the scholarships are required to pass written examinations; those who pass the qualifying marks go through background investigation. To keep their scholarship, high school students should obtain a grade average of 82 while college scholars, a grade average of 2.5 or its equivalent, with no failing marks and two grades of “incomplete.” Scholars who are in high school receive PHP3,000 as financial assistance each school year. Those in college get PHP5,000 each semester

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