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Notice of 3rd Regular BoT Meeting

April 16, 2024

Dear Board Members,

Greeting from KMBA!

We would like to inform you that our 3rd Regular Board Meeting will be held on April 30, 2024 at KMBA Members' Center Building, 9:00 in the morning to discuss the following matters.

KASAGANA-KA Mutual Benefit Association, Inc.

3rd Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Kasagana-ka Members’ Center Building

5 Matimpiin St., Brgy. Pinyahan Quezon City 1100

April 30, 2024 9:00 am



    I. Call to Order

    II. Prayer

    III. Determination of Quorum

    IV. Approval of the Proposed Agenda

    V. Reading and approval of the minutes of the last board meeting on March 6, 2024

    VI. Business arising and actions taken from the previous meeting 

    VII. Financial Report

        a. Financial Statement (February and March 2024)

        b. Investments as of March 31 and April 29, 2024

    VIII. Matters for discussion/approval/Confirmation

        a. Presentation of 2023 AFS

        b. Selection of External Auditor for 2024 Financial Statement

        c. Selection of Independent Trustee (2024-2027)

        d. Contract between KMBA and RMSI

        e. Proxy Voting Nominees and Schedules

        f. Classify committees: mandated and special committees 

        g. Budget for AOA Study visit in Tokyo, Japan

        h. 2023 ACGS Rating (2022 operation)- 107.4 points

        i. AGM Program

Part 1 – Anniversary Mass

Part 2 – Annual General Meeting

Part 3 – Anniversary celebration

    IX. Other Matters

    X. Closing Prayer

    XI. Adjournment


Other Notice of Board Meeting